

Welcome to Flightfax, the USACRC's monthly newsletter dedicated to Army Aircraft Mishap Prevention. Each issue provides in-depth analysis of recent aviation near-misses and mishaps, as well as timely discussions on emerging safety issues. Additionally, we feature a "Blast from the Past" section, which showcases historical articles from our archives, drawn from the original Flightfax magazine. To navigate our content, please use the sections below to access the current edition, special editions, and our comprehensive archives.

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Stay up-to-date! The February issue of Flightfax features insights into near-misses, safety issues, and:

  • 2025 Aircrew Coordination Training (ACT)
  • Mishap Review: CH-47F Ground Handling Blade Strike

flightfax cover

February 2025

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Flightfax Special Editions focus on specific aircraft systems. You can download our latest special edition, Introduction of the Emergency Response Methodology, below.

flightfax special edition cover

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Flightfax's 50-year legacy continues with our monthly "Blast from the Past" feature, showcasing classic articles from our archives. You can explore our complete collection below!

an archival issue of flightfax

Visit Archive

Tell Your Flightfax Story

Do you have an aviation story to share? Flightfax is always looking for contributors from the field to provide aviation articles that can be shared with your peers across the force. If you’ve never written an article before, no worries, just write about your experiences (good, bad, or near miss) and our editorial team will take care of the rest. You can use your name or publish anonymously.

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